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I am currently on a 'round the world trip for most of 2000-2001. This trip will take me to Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. I update this site from the road, using internet cafes and public phones. There are three main sections:

Reports  -

Brief updates that I send frequently, even if I'm not near a computer. Short and to the point, they describe where I'm at, what I'm doing, and where I'm going next.

Stories  -

Travel stories which I write while on the road, but usually several weeks or more after the fact. They are longer, better written, and include pictures.

Photos  -

Photos from my digital camera. I upload them every few weeks during my travels. Photos are indexed loosely by country and include captions.

For details of where I've been and where I'm thinking of going, read my travel itinerary.

The Latin America leg of my trip is complete, and I have prepared a summary of the trip.

If you want to see what's in my backpack, you can see my packing list.

If you are interested in seeing me espouse my travel philosophy, check out my travel musings.

I also keep a list of useful links that I use for my own trip planning, but you may find some useful information in it.

Copyright © 2000-2001 Peter Birch All Rights Reserved.