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1 APR - Guatemala City, Guatemala

Date: Sat Apr 01 2000, 03:13 PM PST

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    I'm slowly working my way towards the Honduran boarder by bus. My cold is better, and I hope to start riding again day after tomorrow.

    I spent today and yesterday in Antigua, which is a strange place. It is like a quaint little European city, with a few Guatemalans walking around. A nice place, but not really Guatemala.

    Through an incredible act of stupidity, I managed to screw up the calibration on my best camera lens, and so I've been trying to recalibrate it, somewhate fruitlessly.

    My email seems to be messed up at the moment, so my internet access to my mail will probably be out for a bit. You can still send me mail at the same address, and I'll get it eventually.


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